ca. 1750 Carlo Ferdinando Landolfi violin
Master luthier Carlo Ferdinando Landolfi of Milan, Italy, crafted this violin. It was made at the zenith of his career, around the same time his great contemporary G.B. Guadagnini was based in Milan. Landolfi was known for his beautiful varnishes, and this violin bears a fine reddish brown varnish, richly applied over an amber base. The one-piece back displays a strong narrow figure. The ribs and scroll are of similar materials. The two piece top, of mostly medium width grain, displays a touch of hazeling at the upper bass bout. The instrument is in remarkable condition and its voice has a clean and focused core that easily reaches the back of a concert hall.
Donor: loan from Helen Mailer
Acquired: 2014
Past winners:
2015 - 2018 Nune Melikian
2018 - 2021 Maia Cabeza